Thursday, 17 April 2014


Traditionally the end of the Spring term sees School House joining forces with Upper house in the Theatre.  The Upper Sixth form plan, organise and run a quiz for the rest of the houses.  Tutor groups compete for 1st place - which is hotly contested!

Miss Paver in her frog onesy, Miss Telford looking much nicer in her frog hoodie!

Angus, Ali and Rachel in charge

Charlotte and Issy ready to present

Emma and Bella preparing for their performance

Mrs Herlinger's Year 9 tutor group

Miss Telford and some of the Lower 6th
Thanks to Mrs Dakin for the photos!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Captain Katy, storming the course.

The final Thursday of term saw the annual House Cross Country event.  Dreaded by many, School House took the competition in their customary cheerful stride and the U6 were fantastic in the amount of competitors who took part in their final run.... (for some!!).
School House came 2nd in the Senior and the Year 9 + 10 competition.  Huge thanks to all the runners and the supporters, and a special mention to the following:

Senior Race:  Top finisher for School House, the Girls' Cross Country Captain - Katy (L6)  - 3rd overall.  And counters:  Olivia L (L6) - 4th, Louise (L6) - 5th, Anna (Yr 11) - 11th, Rhiannon (Yr 11) - 13th and Olivia H (Yr 11) - 17th.  90 runners took part.

Year 9 and 10 race:  Top finisher for School House - Kiana (Year 9) - 2nd overall.  And counters:  Jesse (Yr 10) - 5th, Yemi (Yr 9) - 6th, Beth (Yr 10) - 11th, Izzy P (Yr 9) - 18th and Maddie (Yr 9) - 22nd.  76 runners took part.

Some of the U6:  Georgia, Sarina, Ant, Lara, Liv, Anna, Rachel, Bella and Emma

Lottie, India and Martha (L6)

Issy joined in with Stanya and Jen on the end

Liv - happy or completely terrified!

Louise and Elle hiding in the back



The U6 skipping in at the finish

Intrepid Year 10s:  Isla, Olivia and Thea

Yemi -  no problemo! and Millie on the right

The start:  Sarah (in pink) with Issy C


Anna - still smiling, sort of!
The final day of the Spring term saw most of the school sporting their Pink item...  The House set the scene...
The staff looking very pink:  Mrs Marshall, Miss Telford, Mrs Herlinger, Mrs Dakin, Mrs Morris and Mrs Reeman

School House girls

More School House girls
BREAST CANCER CARE - Pink Tea Party for the 6th form in the Creed Room
How can you resist....???


Upper Sixth incognito as Miss Paver...

The sale begins.

Hungry punters.

Angus, Jen and Stannie G.
Thanks to Mrs Dakin for the photos and for her fantastic help and support with the Upper Sixth in making Pink Day such a success.  We are delighted to have raised £760 for Breast Cancer Care.  Thanks to all who supported School House!